The general Hospital Costa del Sol in Marbella East can finally expect the works on the unfinished new wing to be completed. Junta de Andalucía has announced that parliament will speedily secure the contracts to be confirmed in order for works to commence. The budget is estimated at 75 mill €. Not only will the new wing be finished, but the existing hospital will also undergo a thorough renovation to bring it into the 21st century.
Covid-19 vaccinations began late December 2020, targeting the elderly over 80 years of age, the most vulnerable at hospitals and residence homes and otherwise critically ill, as well as frontline service personnel. Numbers of contagious and critically ill in especially the residence homes are already seeing a very positive effect.
From February 2021 residents over 70 years of age, including a number of carefully selected job sectors essential to the reopening, will gradually be invited to be vaccinated.
Anticipated from June onwards the rest of the population will gradually receive the invitation for vaccination.
Vaccinations are free but are not mandatory.
Please note!
If you are resident in Spain you will only receive the offer to be vaccinated if you are member of the Seguridad Social and “empadronado” (officially registered as resident) in the municipality where you live. You must have a 3 months’ minimum valid “empadronamiento” (official registration of residence) in your municipality to be included in the vaccination offer.
Spain, as a growing number of other countries, is already in the process of developing a Covid-19-passport.